Más que un sueño, una obsesión.

Más que un sueño, una obsesión.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019


Why not? I am trying to improve my English and today I have told me: "why don't you write in this forgotten blog?"
And here I am.  My last entry was two years ago. Haven't been many changes from then. I am follow losing money in the markets but not much. From I discovered funded accounts my invest has go down. Althought 2,000$/year isn't a little number...
Never mind. Now is a new cicle. Today my funded accounts starts sice cero. I have to focus in my own system and fullfil my rules.
For me this blog will be a space where I learn English and Markets. It will be a Journal.
I hope that it will be my last try. Let's go!!

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