Más que un sueño, una obsesión.

Más que un sueño, una obsesión.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019


The futures broker Amp is fighting against Ninjatrader by the first place on broker's ranking.

Ninjafutures ( it was born with the fusion of Ninja + Mirus Futures) has probably the best trading platform to retail traders. Amp has the best prices.

Then Ninja took decision of monopolice its platform. Nobody (new costumers) could be use his platform if wasn't with his broker.

Like I have told, Amp has the lowest commisions. I work with Amp long time ago. I never have had any prloblem with them. But theirs platform was bad.

Five year ago, Amp has done an efford and has hired many platforms. And has develomented Multichart. This one is a full functions platform. It offers all function that in other platforms you must to pay. Here all is free.

Last week I have been learning to trade with it. I miss things like to draw in a 15m TF window and see those lines in other time frames.

In another hand, I see other things as good as ninja or better. I.e to indroduce stop orders is as easy as picck and drag. I have bracket options (very important) orders and some things very interesting.

I must to have patience becasuse I thing this one is the platform I have to use on the near future.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

Do what you cann’t

Well, yesterday my session trading was very interesting. Why? Because after two euphoric days earning money, generally the traders do not follow theirs rules.
It was my case I did not comply with my own rules “only trade 1hour and maximum daily loss 200$”
Now I am in simulation mode. I said myself “go on, it’s not real money. I need to practice” It’s true! But this aptitude is not good because it goes against my rules.
But I am happy. I have come back to my al trading style. The VSA style. Really when I follow my rules I am to beable to look at the moviments of professional trader and I earn a little of money.
I do not to forget this key point “VSA is my best tool to do trading” After, I have to learn to control my emotions. This one is very difficult although I have to try.
Do what you cann’t baby!!

martes, 30 de abril de 2019


I have closed my oneup's account. I waste 500$. After read by internet about this account kind and theirs problems ( i.e. bad to IRPF, High prices) I prefer my old broker account. I can to have tada fee only wiht 100$ or more of balance (whit Oneup was 87$/month). Only I have to pay external fee of 5$/month and I can simulate all tha I want. I have many software trading platforms. I in June, I will trade with micro futures, only 0.50$/tick in YM index.
By the momente I am very disappointed with myself. I feel really bad. I am thinking my time is over. I do not know  to do.
I hope all this stage go out. Early!

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019


This sensation is known. When I am euphoric is when more becareful there is to have.
This morning I wrote the before entry . Now after I trade have to say that I lose my acccount again.
I am an undisciplined in this area. In other things of my live I am very disciplined but here I can not. I am tired, fustrated and desperate.
I don't know what to do. I don't have more forces.
I have spent more than 17 year of my life and that is very hard.
Probably I will try one more time but I feel this time must be different becasuse if not I will end in the same way.
If I am not beable to cut or respect my stop the market will put in your site.


Why not? I am trying to improve my English and today I have told me: "why don't you write in this forgotten blog?"
And here I am.  My last entry was two years ago. Haven't been many changes from then. I am follow losing money in the markets but not much. From I discovered funded accounts my invest has go down. Althought 2,000$/year isn't a little number...
Never mind. Now is a new cicle. Today my funded accounts starts sice cero. I have to focus in my own system and fullfil my rules.
For me this blog will be a space where I learn English and Markets. It will be a Journal.
I hope that it will be my last try. Let's go!!

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Sesión 21/02/2017 Sigo en racha

Ayer otra vez en positivo. Tengo miedo, mucho miedo. Ya me ha pasado más veces. Luego pareciera que no quiero romper la racha nunca y el día que pierda me lio a hacer el loco.
Esta vez creo estar más preparado. Visualización.
La constancia y la paciencia son las armas más poderosas que existen. Sigo luchando.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

21/02/2017 Malas noticias

Ha llegado una mala noticia en mi vida, mi actual trabajo pende de un hilo.
Lo primero que pienso es en el trading. Llevo 8 sesiones, 7 e positivo y tan solo 1 en negativo. “Ya puedes vivir de esto” te dice la maldita vocecilla del mal. Luego abro la tabla de excell, y te das cuenta de que no es así. Te das cuenta de que perdiste 700$ en 7 sesiones, y que ahora llevas en positivo precisamente 7 sesiones, y apenas pasas de los 200$. ¡Qué diferencia! Es algo lejano.
Lo que si tengo claro que actualmente es de lo que más se. Llevo media vida dedicada a los mercados, y es de lo que más conocimientos tengo. Pero como para vivir de ello pues no, de momento no.
Es nuestra mente. Nos hace creernos invencibles cuando operamos bien y sacamos beneficio. Hace tiempo que no meto la gamba en una operación, ¿qué pasará cuando esto suceda? Estoy haciendo evocaciones de ese momento. Me imagino operando y haciendo un trade que de -75$ o más. Me imagino enfadado pero haciendo bien las cosas. Cerrando el portátil con virulencia, yendo al espejo a hablarme, hacer 5min de respiración diafragmatica, y no operar más en toda la tarde. Eso es lo que tengo que hacer, y ojala pueda hacerlo.
Me estoy basando en solo un setup. Veo que tengo que tener mucha paciencia y sobre todo esperar al último suspiro para entrar. Dios me ayude, no se si quizá tenga que echar mano de esto para ganarme la vida, y da miedo.
Pero mi esfuerzo y me entrega son mis mejores armas. Y esas las tengo intactas.
Leía no hace mucho, una historia de una familia que vivia en condiciones deplorables, porque se habían acomodado a subsistir con la poca leche que daba la única vaca que tenían. Hasta que la vaca murió. En tan solo un año hicieron mucho dinero. Tuvieron que salir de su zona de confort para salir adelante. 
Quizá eso es lo que tenga que hacer yo. No lo se, todo es muy incierto aún.